Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Case 1

And, without further ado, here is case 1.

Submit your answer below (only 1 answer counts!)


I’ve been planning on starting these cases for a while now and with the beginning of the academic year upon us, it seemed to be as good of a time as any. Most of the cases will have an ER or Trauma bias, but my hope is to also include some good ol' body cases or any other general radiology cases that residents should see. I’ve also been saving cases for a while, so hopefully, I’ll have some good material. Without further ado, case one will follow this post. 
Submit your answer with your name (please, use the same name each week for ease of tracking). I'll be the only one to see your answer and there will be no judgement.  I’ll keep a running tally of the correct answers so that, at the end of the year, I'll be able to give out a small prize to someone.  In the future, my goal will be to post a weekly case, with a few days to for you to answer, and then I’ll post the answer with a short teaching point.  Good luck!